Monday, November 8, 2010

A love like ours...

There's nothing on this earth that I love more than my kids. After working on Saturday, we went to my grandmother's house on Sunday for lunch. The weather was cold but it was perfect for a quick photo session.

This is the trying to be cool look. Bless Nathan's heart, he was trying not to shiver in this photo. Like I said, it was really cold! I let him keep his coat on after this. He looks so handsome and grown-up and he's only nine.

Nicolas is growing so fast lately too. He recently impressed me by recognizing and calling out the letters in "hobby lobby". Even though many think he is wild and doesn't listen...he really is sweet. He covers my face with his little sweet kisses and says "I love you, mommy" and I kind of forget about everything else.

My boys get along most of the time. They have their spats (as ALL kids do) but I find they play the best together when you just let them go and do what they want and have fun.  Here they got the biggest kick out of throwing leaves up in the air. Who cares if they get dirty? I love seeing them like this. It reminds me of what being a kid is all about......having no worries and having a great time.

This was another favorite of mine. I look at this and see so many similarities in their faces. They look so much alike and are sooooo different. I'm glad that they are turning out to be such great kids. And I'm glad that their mine. And I. Love. Them. *sigh*

Can someone please stop time NOW so that they will stop growing so fast?

Quote of the day: "Whatever they grow up to be, they are still our children, and one of the most important of all things we can give to them is unconditional love. Not a love that depends on anything at all except that they are our children." ~Rosaleen Dickson

Listening to:  "Super Why" courtesy of PBS..what can I say? I have a toddler! :O)


  1. Oh my goodness they are beautiful! I love the pic of them throwing leaves in the air. such joy in the little things. Reminds us to stop and just enjoy.

  2. great pictures fredda!!! you're such a talented little booger!! heheheee!

  3. @Colleen- Thank you and I know exactly what you mean!
    @Sue- Thank you SO MUCh! I have to admit I just enjoy capturing the moment more than anything!
