Saturday, November 27, 2010

Leftovers anyone?

Anyone else have leftover turkey calling your name from the refridgerator? I thought so. This should turn your turkey into something that NO ONE will guess is leftovers!

This is about half of a cold leftover turkey breast. Shred it into pieces.

Put a few tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan. Get it hot. Throw in a pice of onion. I know it sounds weird, but just do it. You wouldn't believe the flavor it gives the oil! Cook it a few minutes until it gets limp then take it out and throw it away. Add the cold turkey to the pan and stir it until heated through. Keep it covered so that it stays moist.

Meanwhile chop up some lettuce. This is a salad mix with spinach and butter lettuces. It's what I had on hand.

The rest of the ingrediants are above (minus the shredded white cheese).  Heat up the beans on the stovetop or in the microwave...whatever floats your boat.

Then start with a tostada and apply the ingrediants in the order that I tell you (yes, this part is important)!
Tostada, beans, turkey, lettuce, cheese, sour cream, and last but not least the secret salsa.....

Put either one of these on top of your tostada. (its my lazy-girl salsa) Then what happens next is pure magic! Check this out.......

Doesn't this look yummy? You will thank me later. Oh yeh...and you're welcome :O)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

*Insert Adam Sandler's Thanksgiving song here*

Where do I start? My goodness! I could make a list but it would go on and on! I try to give thanks everyday for the things that I have and just as important the things that I do not have.

My boys and husband are amazing and I love them more every day. Having them in my life makes everything worthwhile. My family (near and extended), my home, my health, my job(s), and all of the little things too. I am thankful for not having excess stress, worries, and problems. I like to think that my life is realatively simple and stress-free for the most part.

I wish for you (my friends and readers) that your blessings are plentiful and that you have everything you need (and a little bit more).

Now I must rest becasue I will be one of the crazies out tonight shopping!

Quote of the day: As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~John F Kennedy

Listening to:  "The Thanksgiving Song" by Adam Sandler

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Big News

Sorry for leaving everyone in suspense (snort*laugh) yesterday but I just didn't have time for a decent post.

I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I am now an employee of the health dept.  I started the job today and I believe that I am going to enjoy it. I will be a breastfeeding peer counselor. It is something that I am passionate about. I have been waiting for over 4 months for something to come available at the hospital but I have had no luck. In this tight economy people are holding on to their jobs more than ever. I would love to be able to stay there but feeding my kids is more important to me.

Nicolas started preschool yesterday as well and did wonderfully. I am so proud of him.

I guess this is going to limit my posting somewhat since I won't be at home being lazy anymore. LOL Oh well, I think I will manage. No worries though, I plan on keeping everyone posted on my wls journey more so now than ever.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rest and Relaxation

Sorry for going MIA on everyone, but I have been on vacation. The nerd in me wanted to take along my laptop and blog and surf the net from the beach...but the husband put his foot down. :O)

It felt really good to be away from reality for a few days. The room and view that we had was totally awesome. I have many BIG life-changing events coming soon and I needed this 4 day va-cay to get my thoughts together. I promise I will post tomorrow some pics (believe it or not, I only took a few) while on vacation. I will also be making an announcement as well. Stay tuned!

Quote of the day: A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you've been taking. ~Earl Wilson

Listening to: Frosty the Snowman by Burl Ives

Monday, November 8, 2010

A love like ours...

There's nothing on this earth that I love more than my kids. After working on Saturday, we went to my grandmother's house on Sunday for lunch. The weather was cold but it was perfect for a quick photo session.

This is the trying to be cool look. Bless Nathan's heart, he was trying not to shiver in this photo. Like I said, it was really cold! I let him keep his coat on after this. He looks so handsome and grown-up and he's only nine.

Nicolas is growing so fast lately too. He recently impressed me by recognizing and calling out the letters in "hobby lobby". Even though many think he is wild and doesn't listen...he really is sweet. He covers my face with his little sweet kisses and says "I love you, mommy" and I kind of forget about everything else.

My boys get along most of the time. They have their spats (as ALL kids do) but I find they play the best together when you just let them go and do what they want and have fun.  Here they got the biggest kick out of throwing leaves up in the air. Who cares if they get dirty? I love seeing them like this. It reminds me of what being a kid is all about......having no worries and having a great time.

This was another favorite of mine. I look at this and see so many similarities in their faces. They look so much alike and are sooooo different. I'm glad that they are turning out to be such great kids. And I'm glad that their mine. And I. Love. Them. *sigh*

Can someone please stop time NOW so that they will stop growing so fast?

Quote of the day: "Whatever they grow up to be, they are still our children, and one of the most important of all things we can give to them is unconditional love. Not a love that depends on anything at all except that they are our children." ~Rosaleen Dickson

Listening to:  "Super Why" courtesy of PBS..what can I say? I have a toddler! :O)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Four month Surgiversary

Well, today marks me being four months post-op. As of this morning I  have lost a total of 70 pounds in 4 months. I have also lost over half of the hair on my head (but that is another post in itself).

I worked today so my post will be short and sweet.... but I promised photos, didn't I? :O) Of course I did and here they are;

And here I am again:

I decided to put on decent clothes this time (before I was always in old house-clothes) but I didn't pick the most flattering shirt! LOL The horizontal squiggles make me look even wider!

Anyways, thanks for continuing on my journey with me. I appreciate the support that each and everyone of you give me.

Quote of the day: In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. ~Bill Cosby

Listening to:  Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Random thoughts...

I decided to talk about something that has gotten me discouraged lately. Its called a plateau. It is where weight loss stops or drastically slows down. (yes I said stops). I know this is normal, but it still scares me.

According to the surgeon your body thinks that it is starving and weight loss ceases for a period of time so the body can adapt itself. Mine hasn't totally stopped because I have lost almost 10 pounds this month. Compared to 35 my first month, 15 the second, 10 the third, now about 9 pounds. You can see how it could concern me. I am taking measures to still reach my goal which is achievable. I will be in "Onederland" by Christmas though!

I have increased my protein intake and increased my exercise as well (trying to counteract the plateau). Can you believe it....Fredda actually RAN! Granted it wasn't a pretty sight and it wasn't very far (total of 1/8 of a mile), but I started. Nathan's mouth fell open and he laughed! It made me feel good to be able to surprise him like that. My kids are my world and I want to be able to play and run with them without being an embarrassment. My exercise routine consists of walking and short spurts of running to accelerate my heart rate. So if you are in Asheboro and need a good laugh come to the SAMS track one evening and watch me (or better yet join me).

Stay tuned for my four month surgiversary photos to be posted this weekend!

Quote of the day: To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Listening to: Look Away by Chicago

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What's for Dinner?

I have another bit of food porn for you today. I have been craving southern food so I fixed the following:

Smithfield Baked Ham
Umm yeh just pop this bad-boy in the oven and follow the directions! Not too much work for a yummy ham.

It is fall and cabbage is fresh and cheap right now so I fried some cabbage with bacon. was good!

Something else that's in season now is sweet potatoes. I baked these and put butter, cinnamon and splenda on them.

To finish off the meal I stewed some apples with cinnamon. They were golden delicious and Winesap varieties.

A good filling southern meal that's actually healthy for you. You could cut the fat by leaving out the bacon, but I cooked 4 slices of bacon for 4 technically it averages out to one slice of bacon per person. Provecho!

Quote of the day: " If you dont vote and help decide, dont complain about the ride! Go vote." ~ Fredda
Listening to: Rehab by Amy Winehouse